Condo Insurance – Optional Coverage Types

了解一些可选的保险类型,将保护您的公寓和您存储在里面的财产. The additional types of coverage will protect your property from theft, natural disasters, and vandalism.

Replacement Cost Coverage

一份标准的保险会保护你的财产,并考虑到它们的折旧. 重置成本保险提供了标准保险所没有的额外保险. 它将支付更换任何被盗或严重损坏的物品的全部费用.

Vacant or Unoccupied Coverage

If you don’t plan on staying in your condo on a consistent basis, you can benefit from adding vacant or unoccupied coverage to your policy. This type of coverage will protect your condo when you are not present.

If someone breaks in, your coverage will pay for repair costs. 如果你的公寓在自然天气事件中损坏,保险将支付装修费用.

Water Damage Coverage

Water damage coverage will protect your condo if its plumbing system backs up. The coverage will include replacement materials, labor, and other essentials needed to restore the condo to its original state.

Inspection and Assessment

Conduct an inspection and assessment first. 检查你的公寓将帮助你确定你需要的保险范围, 对你如何使用你的生活空间的评估也将帮助你确定你需要的公寓保险类型.

Agent Consultation

Review the optional coverage types that we offer at Leo Insurance Group. Then, contact one of our agents who serve Las Vegas, NV. 保险代理人会将可选的保险类型添加到您当前的公寓保险政策中.

Are You Required to Have Condo Insurance?

If you purchase a condo, 了解大楼提供哪些保险以及你需要提供哪些保险是很重要的. In most cases, 公寓要求你为公寓的内部空间投保. 如果您想了解更多有关公寓保险的信息,请与澳博app下载联系. 我们为内华达州澳博app下载地区的居民提供保险产品和服务.

Condo Insurance Coverage 

And most instances, 公寓建筑要求你为你的内部和内容提供保险, while the condo building provides exterior coverage. If you would like to learn more about condo Insurance coverage, our agents can help you determine which policies suit your needs. 我们的目标是为每位客户提供最佳的保单选择,以满足或超越他们的需求.

我们会仔细评估您的个人情况,以确定哪种类型的保险或保险级别足以满足公寓的规格并充分防止损失. 如果您想了解更多有关我们如何协助您选择保单的信息, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can not only provide support with selecting a policy, 但我们也可以为您在保单或索赔期间的任何变更提供帮助.

Reach Out Today 

如果您想获得问题的答案或帮助选择政策, please call or stop by the office of Leo Insurance Group, which probably serves the residents in and around the Las Vegas, NV area. 不要冒因公寓保险范围不足或缺失而造成损失的风险. 我们在这里与您合作,帮助您获得提供安心的保险范围.

How much condo insurance do I need?

With the rise of condo living in the Las Vegas, NV area, we at Leo Insurance Group are often asked: how much condo insurance do I need? The answer depends on a variety of factors, including the type and size of your condo, as well as any additional coverage you may need. 

Condo Insurance: The Basics

基本的经验法则是获得足够的保险,包括你的个人物品和你的责任风险. To determine the right amount for you and your needs, 查看你的共管公寓协会协议的条款和条件是很重要的. 您的协议应提供信息,说明协会的保险单承保哪些类型的损失,以及每个项目所需的保险金额. 

Once you have reviewed the agreement, 然后,您可以计算需要多少额外的覆盖来覆盖覆盖范围中的任何空白. 这些额外的保险可以涵盖从自然灾害或事故到盗窃或故意破坏所造成的任何损害. 这取决于你住的地方和其他因素,比如你是把你的单位出租还是作为短期租赁物业, 除了基本责任保障外,你还应该考虑其他类型的保险. 

考虑到这些因素将有助于确保你所有的财产被覆盖,以防意外事件发生. For example, if a fire were to destroy all of your belongings inside the condo unit, 有了足够的保险,就可以确保你不用花额外的钱就可以更换.


Contact Us Today

For more information, call Leo Insurance Group today. We serve the Las Vegas, NV area.

Do I need to do a home inventory of my condo?

Owning a condo in Las Vegas is a dream come true. Once you have accomplished your dream, it is hard to imagine anything happening to shatter that dream. Unfortunately, 不好的事情确实会发生,当你不得不向保险公司提出索赔时,这从来都不是一件有趣的事情. But it can be easier if you have a home inventory. At Leo Insurance Group in Las Vegas, NV, 我们是一家提供全方位服务的独立保险机构,拥有一支经验丰富的团队,可以帮助您满足所有的保险需求. 

If your condo is damaged, and you lose some or all of your possessions, you will be asked to provide some proof of what you had prior to the damage. In this type of situation, 你可能会因为发生在你身上的事情而受到很大的创伤,并试图回忆起发生之前你所拥有的一切. Not to mention the time trying to reconstruct everything from memory. 

Filing a claim isn’t easy or enjoyable, 但是,如果你在损坏之前有一个清单,压力就会小一些. You can document every room with pictures and a written list. Look in every drawer, closet, and cabinet. Take pictures especially of more expensive items. Attach sales slips or invoices to the page for that room. Give as much detail as possible. 

对于大件物品,如电器和电子产品,包括品牌,型号和序列号. 如果你有珠宝、艺术品或古董,估价对证明它们的价值很重要. Once your inventory is complete, 把它放在一个安全的地方,当你的公寓被损坏时,你可以安全地使用它.

你不需要有一个清单,但有一个将节省时间和精力,在你提出索赔. Contact Leo Insurance Group in Las Vegas, NV to learn more about condo coverage.